Hey, We’re the Newbies!

We decided to start National Park Newbies because we love exploring National Parks!
We love the feeling the parks give us.
The wilderness, the hikes, the views. We breathe deeper whenever we find ourselves in a National Park (and not just because of the hiking!) All we want is to find a way to share our experiences with others – with you!
We hope this website becomes a memoir for our National Park trips.
We, of course, hope you find this site helpful and informative. We hope our posts inspire you to book the flight, buy those hiking boots, and start exploring.
And we hope we can look back on this website and fall in love with the parks all over again.
However you found yourself here – welcome.
We are so glad you are here: reading these words, transported from another time, to the exact spot you find yourself today. More than anything, we hope you have found something helpful today and are getting ready for your next adventure. Now, get out of here and start exploring some of the most beautiful places in the world – our beloved National Parks!
About Us

We visited our first National Park together in 2018 on our honeymoon – Sequoia National Park.
For many reasons, Sequoia is our favorite national park – the giant trees being at the top of the list.
But it’s our favorite because it was our first visit together. And as of this writing (August 2023), we’ve gone to 20 more spectacular and inspiring national parks across the US.
Traveling to National Parks has become a focal point of our lives.
Our friends and families will often say something like:
“you’re going on another trip?”
Yes, absolutely yes. Any chance we get, we’re looking at flights and scheming about how we can fit in just one more trip.
We love National Parks and we want you to love them too. We’re glad you found us!